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304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Windows in buildings and cars smashed in spate of overnight incidents in Westport

Gardaí are investigating a spate of criminal damage in Westport, Co Mayo overnight in which the local Order of Malta headquarters, a library and a HSE residential unit sustained extensive damage.
The windows in six cars were also smashed around 4.30am as well as windows in a minibus operated by the HSE.
Twenty one windows in the Order of Malta building at St John’s Place were also broken.
Eamon Berry, head of the local Order of Malta, described the scene as “like the aftermath of a riot”.
He said he was “horrified and shocked” by the extent of the damage.
The Order of Malta building was also used by community groups.
In the adjoining HSE building triple glazed windows had been smashed in on top of vulnerable users, Mr Berry told Midwest Radio.
“There is psychological damage also,” he said.
Gardaí have sealed off the area as a crime scene as they begin their investigations.
More to follow
